CDE Decoration Example

This example will configure your windows to look like the CDE desktop.


This is a Decor that doesn’t require any images and can be done with the effects built into Fvwm.

To use this decor first configure the Colorsets

#   1 - Inactive Windows 
#   2 - Active Window
#   3 - Inactive Windows Borders
#   4 - Active Windows Borders
Colorset 1 fg white, bg #afbdc07ac200
Colorset 2 fg white, bg #cc0068006f00
Colorset 3 fg white, bg #afbdc07ac200
Colorset 4 fg white, bg #cc0068006f00

Next we need to Bind actions to the window buttons (so they show up on the decor). This decor uses use locations 1, 4 and 2

# Window Button Locations [1 Title 42]
Mouse 1 4 A Iconify
Mouse 1 2 A Maximize
Mouse 1 1 A Menu MenuWindowOps

Then define the Decor:

AddToDecor CDEDecor
+ TitleStyle    AllInactive -- Raised
+ TitleStyle    AllActive -- Raised
+ ButtonStyle   All Simple -- UseTitleStyle
+ BorderStyle   Simple
+ TitleStyle    Centered -- Raised
+ ButtonStyle   All -- Raised

+ AddButtonStyle 1 Vector 3 23x58@0 77x58@0 77x42@0
+ AddButtonStyle 1 Vector 3 23x58@1 23x42@1 77x42@1

+ AddButtonStyle 2 Vector 3 21x79@0 79x79@0 79x21@0
+ AddButtonStyle 2 Vector 3 21x79@1 21x21@1 79x21@1

+ AddButtonStyle 4 Vector 3 42x58@0 58x58@0 58x42@0
+ AddButtonStyle 4 Vector 3 42x58@1 42x42@1 58x42@1

+ TitleStyle Height MinHeight 20

Last we need the Styles for the windows to use CDEDecor, the Colorsets and some other settings.

Style * Colorset 1, HilightColorset 2, \
        BorderColorset 3, HilightBorderColorset 4, \
        BorderWidth 5, HandleWidth 5, \
        MWMBorder, DepressableBorder, \
        MWMButtons, UseDecor CDEDecor

Color Themes

This Decor was adopted from fvwm-themes which contained many color themes that went with it. These themes can be found here. Follow those instructions to create a menu that can change between the different color themes.