Iconifying all windows except one.

To Iconify all windows except one (or all but a certain group of windows) in Fvwm there are various ways. One way is to use the !Iconifiable style on the windows you want to disclude the possibility of being iconified:

Style FvwmButtons !Iconifiable

Then, to iconify windows on the current page, one might use:

All (CurrentPage, !Iconic) Iconify

This can be attached to a key binding, or a mouse binding, or put it as part of a complex function that could get called.

The All conditional will preform the Iconfiy action on all windows that satisfy the conditions listed, which in this example are windows on the CurrentPage and that are not Iconic.

Conditions can also include a windows name/class/resource. Thus you can use the following to Iconify all windows whose name/class/resource doesn’t match MyWindowName as follows:

All (CurrentPage, !Iconic, !MyWindowName) Iconify

As another option you could Iconify all windows except the window that has focus by adding the !Focused condition.

All (CurrentPage, !Iconic, !Focused) Iconify