
The FvwmConsole module allows the user to type fvwm configuration commands into a terminal that are sent to fvwm to be executed immediately. This tool is particularly useful for testing new configuration ideas, or opening up a console to send fvwm commands without having previously configured a menu, button, keybinding, etc in the configuration file.

# Launch FvwmConsole when fvwm starts.
AddToFunc StartFunction Module FvwmConsole

# Add FvwmConsole to a menu
AddToMenu MenuName
+ "Fvwm&Console" Module FvwmConsole -terminal xterm

On fvwm3 and newer installs, FvwmConsole may no longer be installed. If launching FvwmConsole fails, then it has been replaced1 by FvwmPrompt, and you must use that instead. Another useful tool to send commands to send commands to fvwm is FvwmCommand, which can be run from any current command line, without having to launch a full console.

Configuration Options

FvwmConsole inherits its resources from the terminal it is ran in (xterm by default). You can append options to FvwmConsole to pass to the terminal to change the style of the terminal. You can also use the -terminal option to change the terminal FvwmConsole uses.

# Change FvwmConsole's style
Module FvwmConsole -g 40x10 -fg black -bg green3

# Change FvwmConsole's terminal
Module FvwmConsole -terminal rxvt 

  1. Fvwm will only build and install one of FvwmConsole or FvwmPrompt