Re: FVWM: how to start up xterms and applications with a session manager

From: Adrian Mariano <>
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 2004 12:40:37 -0500

Thomas Adam wrote:

>On Wed, Dec 01, 2004 at 11:11:16AM -0500, Adrian Mariano wrote:
>>I tried .xsession before mailing the list. As noted below, all the
>>evidence suggests that .xsession will not be executed if the display
>>manager finds a window manager to start up.
>This is wholly inaccurate. You have to tell ~/.xsession what it is to
>do. Again, see [2].
I'm not sure what you mean by "have to tell ~/.xsession what it is to
do". My observations of
the actual behavior my system is that it didn't matter if the file was
called ~/.xsession, ~/.Xsession
or ~/.xinitrc. In all cases the contents of the file were NOT executed
unless I explicitly ran it
after fvwm started up. I'm not sure how to reconcile this observation
with the
claim above. The file does have execute permission. Item [2] talks
about using startx and
hence doesn't apply to my (current) setup where kdm is used.

>>manager wasn't already started by a previous script. I could insert a
>>script in this sequence to force the system to run a user .xsession
>You need to read the scripts in more detail. ~/.xsession takes
>precedence over /etc/X11/Xsession.d/* should it exist. This has always
>been the case. Again, see [2,3].
Those references seem to indicate that some display managers do not, in
fact, run the ~/.xsession,
though kdm wasn't explicitly mentioned. As an example that people
typically find that kdm does
not run ~/.xsession I note where
somebody pursues the other solution I had noted above of adding stuff to

I'm a little hazy on what exactly would be responsible for running
~/.xsession in the quoted
situation described above. On my system there exists (I think) a
/etc/X11/Xsession which
doesn't look in ~. Then there is /etc/X11/Xsession.d/* which has something
like 5 scripts in it. One of them checks whether a window manager was
selected and if not,
looks for ~/.xsession and runs it if it exists. This would be an odd
thing to do if ~/.xsession
was run instead of /etc/X11/Xsession.d/*, since then ~/.xsession would
not exist if the
/etc/X11/Xsession.d/* files were being executed.

It would appear therefore that I have four possible avenues, which I
summarize here for
the archives:
1. Add something to /etc/X11/Xsession.d
2. Use InitFunction in the ~/.fvwm2rc
3. Use startx or maybe xdm instead of kdm so that ~/.xsession is used to
control window manager,
    and perhaps combine this with wmselect if I want to select between
different window managers
4. Use the "default" setting (?) on kdm which causes ~/.xsession to be used

It seems to me that this is getting somewhat off topic for a list
devoted to fvwm, so I have
set the reply-to in an effort to take further discussion (should any
occur) off the list.
Thanks to those who took the time to reply to my query.

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Received on Wed Dec 01 2004 - 11:41:24 GMT

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