Re: FVWM: how to start up xterms and applications with a session manager

From: Thomas Adam <>
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 2004 16:23:43 +0000

On Wed, Dec 01, 2004 at 11:11:16AM -0500, Adrian Mariano wrote:

> I tried .xsession before mailing the list. As noted below, all the
> evidence suggests that .xsession will not be executed if the display
> manager finds a window manager to start up.

This is wholly inaccurate. You have to tell ~/.xsession what it is to
do. Again, see [2].

> manager wasn't already started by a previous script. I could insert a
> script in this sequence to force the system to run a user .xsession

You need to read the scripts in more detail. ~/.xsession takes
precedence over /etc/X11/Xsession.d/* should it exist. This has always
been the case. Again, see [2,3].

> I don't have access right now to the system in question, so I can't
> test anything out, but it appears that I should be able to avoid
> using a session manager and to use the InitFunction command in the
> .fvwm2rc file to start whatever stuff I want, either directly or
> through loading a file such as the init.hook file mentioned above. Is
> this the right approach? Or is it preferable to arrange somehow that
> the user .xsession file gets executed (before?) the window manager is
> started.

You can do it both ways. The only advantage of putting them in
~/.xsession rather than allowing fvwm to start them is because the apps
in ~/.xsession persist across different window managers / desktop
environments, should you ever change them.

-- Thomas Adam


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