Re: FVWM: how to start up xterms and applications with a session manager

From: Micha Feigin <>
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 2004 02:25:41 +0200

At Wed, 01 Dec 2004 09:55:31 -0500,
Adrian Mariano wrote:
> I'm in the process of upgrading an old Linux system. On the old system,
> the window manager was
> started by a .xinitrc file which started up xbiff, xclock, some xterms,
> etc, and then finally ran the window
> manager.
> I just installed a Debian linux version, and as far as I can tell, there
> is no script analagous to .xinitrc that
> gets executed unless I disable the automatic window manager selection in
> the session manager. The
> session manager has a system where you pick your window manager off a
> menu and it runs it.
> It only runs .xsession if it can't find your window manager. It would
> appear, therefore, that the only
> way to get startup applications run is to have fvwm start them.

I think you need to use ~/.xsession instead of .xinitrc (not sure) and then you
choose default window manager and it should run /etc/X11/Xsession which looks
for ~/.xsession. Works for me with wdm at least IIRC also KDM but haven't used
it for a while.

> When I look at the fvwm manual I find a description of InitFunction,
> which sounds like the right
> thing. And the description says "These functions may be customized in a
> user's /.fvwm2rc/ file via
> the *AddToFunc* command (described later) to start up modules, xterms,
> or whatever you'd like to
> have started by fvwm.." Sounds great. But I'm using a session manager
> and a little farther down
> I find "If fvwm is run under a session manager, functions
> *SessionInitFunction* and *
> SessionRestartFunction* are executed instead of InitFunction and
> RestartFunction."
> Ok. Whatever. But then I encounter the vague warning:
> Generally it is a bad idea to start xterms or other applications in
> "Session*" functions
> And that's it. There is no further explanation of either why it's bad
> idea or how, in fact, I'm
> supposed to start up my xterms if I can't use SessionInitFunction to do
> it.
> Note: please CC me when you reply as I am not on the list.
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