FVWM: Re: FvwmTabs v1.3

From: parv <parv_fm_at_fastmail.fm>
Date: Sat, 18 Jan 2003 11:48:27 -0500

in message <20030116105408.A26503_at_aaopcss.aao.gov.au>,
wrote SCoTT SMeDLeY thusly...
> Hi all,
> FvwmTabs v1.3 allows you to resize an app in a tab simply by resizing
> the FvwmTabs window when that app/tab is displayed.
> Also added 'Multi-Add' & 'Release All (Iconify)' features.
> http://users.tpg.com.au/users/scottie7/fvwmtabs.html

could it be possible to add an option of releasing a single client?

i noticed that sometimes after restarting fvwm, -Tabs doesn't
release all the clients; it takes some of the clients down with it.
aterm is killed, but netscape or mozilla are no where to be seen
still present in "ps". behaviour is different depending upon
whether -Tabs was started via "StartFunction"; i will narrow it

as a side note, why are you calling the non referenced named subs
via "&", e.g. "&showTab($tId, $tabNo);"? won't the named subs will
just work w/o "&", am i missing something?

  - parv

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Received on Sat Jan 18 2003 - 10:47:01 GMT

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