Re: FVWM: 2.5.x vs. 2.4.x

From: Denis Perelyubskiy <denisp_at_CS.UCLA.EDU>
Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2002 18:58:12 -0800

  * <> [09-Dec-02 18:27 -0800]:
>I'm fairly new to FVWM, (only been using it about a week
>now) and I was wondering how this group feels about the
>stability and usability of the 2.5.x version in
>comparison to the 2.4.x version. Are there a lot of
>incomplete features? Does it seem much less stable than
>2.4.x? Are the new features documented anywhere?
>So far, I love FVWM. It's been a lot to learn, but it's
>definitely been worth it. =0)

I think I am about your fvwm-skill-level, even though I've
been using fvwm for a while, so I'll offer my opinions :)

I've heard some people refer to instabilities in 2.5.x
series once in a while. However, my config is pretty
basic, and I haven't seen problems so far - mostly due to me
misunderstanding the way things should be configured. I dont
know what the *official policy* on encouraging people to try
2.5.x is.

If you look in cvs, "NEWS" file is the one that describes
the improvements.

You can also find that file online:

(I am not sure if it's lagging couple of days behind the cvs
version, but I haven't noticed). I think between this file,
someone's sample config, and man pages, you are usually able
to figure out how things work :-)

As far as improvements: I *think* the following are not in
the 2.4.x, but I could be wrong. Love colorsets, transparent
pager, and antialiased fonts. At least I think antialiasing
makes a difference - maybe its just the fact that it should
be there + my mind playing games with me ;-) I think alt-tab
behavior has been tweaked to allow for "the other os"-like
behavior (CurrentAtEnd).

There is much more to what's been updated/added/improved,
but these are just some things I use.

I dont lurk on fvwm-workers much (lack of time), but that's
where people talk about cvs versions and features, problems,
etc. Perhaps if you want to get a feel for what's going on,
you should listen in?

Anyway, that's how I feel about 2.5.x. Good luck.


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