FVWM: 2.5.x vs. 2.4.x

From: Jeremy Whetzel <jeremy_at_iamthethinker.com>
Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2002 21:25:16 -0500


I'm fairly new to FVWM, (only been using it about a week now) and I was
wondering how this group feels about the stability and usability of the 2.5.x
version in comparison to the 2.4.x version. Are there a lot of incomplete
features? Does it seem much less stable than 2.4.x? Are the new features
documented anywhere?

So far, I love FVWM. It's been a lot to learn, but it's definitely been worth
it. =0)

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Received on Mon Dec 09 2002 - 20:27:40 GMT

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