Re: Documentation (was: Re: FVWM: How do I start modules automatically?)

From: Felix Karpfen <>
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2002 09:17:26 +1000

Dominik Vogt wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 09, 2002 at 12:40:43PM -0400, Stephen Dennison wrote:
> > What would you like to see in such a tutorial?
> That's a part of the job to figure that out.
2 cents' worth from a new arrival who badly needs such a tutorial.

The postings (that I have read) look at suitable formats.

But the real issue is _content|sequence of presentation_.

My recent efforts to learn to use "vim" may serve as an illustration.

My version of Linux installed vim-5.7. That did all that I am ever
likely to need in an editor. But the documentation was unhelpful. I
opted to update to vim-6.0 because it came with an Online Manual.

The Manual has two parts:

        a Users Manual; and
        a Reference Manual.

and it is utterly superb.

An enormous amount of thought and effort must have gone into the
preparation of the Users Manual in selecting the order in which topics
are described and previously-described routines are shown in use at
later stages - helping newcomers to refresh what they had learnt and had
already forgotten again.

This posting adds nothing that is not obvious to the experts - the requested
project is of mammoth proportions.

And if wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

Felix Karpfen
Felix Karpfen
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