Re: Documentation (was: Re: FVWM: How do I start modules automatically?)

From: Dominik Vogt <>
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2002 01:39:27 +0200

On Fri, Aug 09, 2002 at 12:40:43PM -0400, Stephen Dennison wrote:
> What would you like to see in such a tutorial?

That's a part of the job to figure that out. Somethings that is
easy to understand and fun to read and yet gradually introduces
more advanced features to show fvwm's flexibility.

On Sat, Aug 10, 2002 at 11:44:35AM +1000, Cameron Simpson wrote:
> On 11:07 09 Aug 2002, Dominik Vogt <> wrote:
> | *Sigh* Yes, the documentation is one of the biggest open issues
> | with fvwm, but we don't have the people and/or the infrastructure
> | to do it right. We'd need somebody who is able and willing to set
> | up an environment in which the man page and other doc formats can
> | be generated from a single source.

> What kind of infrastructure did you have in mind?
> I'm personally very fond of POD as a source format for most stuff, since
> it's unassuming and very easy to edit and read, and readily generates
> other formats. Does require perl though.

I'm a complete newbie inrespect to documentation formats. Some
basic requirements are:

 - Must be convertible to various other formats (man page, ps,
   html and possible GNU Texinfo) and must look good in these
 - The tools must works on any system and should run out of the
   box. Everybody must be able to edit the documentation.
 - The format should be reasonably easy to edit without any tools
   other than a text editor.

Perl is no problem, we already use it.

> Idea: possibly a separate "fvwmtut" manual entry should
> accompany the main man page?

Why not? A real tutorial that comes with the sources would be
nice. Several people have done some work in the past. I
appreciate all this work a lot. Everything is still in my inbox.
The biggest problem is that people do some work without
coordinating it on the fvwm-workers list, then dump the result on
the list in some random format that we neither have the tools for
and that isn't convertible, then vanish into thin air :-/

We need somebody that can spend some time on the documentation to

 * Introduce the documentation infrastructure.
 * Instruct us hackers how to use it.
 * Intergrates the necessary framework into the source tree
   (configure tests, "make" targets, etc.)
 * At least helps to convert the existing docs to that format.

And if (s)he wants to be even more helpful:

 * Examines all the existing documentation and puts in together in
   a nice and shiny new tutorial, short reference, commented
   exmaple configs etc.

I'd be willing to provide any help with the contents, but I can't
find the time and leisure to do everything myself.


Dominik ^_^ ^_^

Dominik Vogt,
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