Re: FVWM: Alt-tab

From: Mikhael Goikhman <>
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2002 23:33:40 +0000

On 23 Apr 2002 00:48:15 +0200, Jochen Klenner wrote:
> On Sat, 20 Apr 2002, Stian Sletner wrote:
> > Ah yes, the infamous alt-tab. I for one cannot live without it working
> > correctly, and I was very happy to see that FVWM had made an attempt at
> > implementing it. However, I'm not satisfied, as they seem to have
> > complicated it unecessarily. :) What I expect from alt-tab is to get a
> > window list on my screen (this works), which is sorted in
> > last-active-order (I think this works, too), wherein the second window
> > is selected (this does not work, the first window (the one I'm already
> > in) is selected, and instead there's a timeout for quick switches). So
> > for quick alt-tabbing between two windows, FVWM's implementation works,
> > but for getting to a third window in the list (alt-tab-tab, release) (or
> > any other window), it doesn't work at all like expected, instead it
> > brings me to the second window on the second press of tab, unless I wait
> > a while, for some reason.
> >
> > So I guess my question is, can I make it behave more closely in
> > accordance with that other GUI?
> Unfortunately you didn't state what version of Fvwm you are using. The
> attached patch is against the current snapshot (fvwm-snap-20020422), but
> it may also work on other versions -- it's practically the same patch
> since version 2.4.6. Just try it.
> It adds the new option "currentAtEnd" to the windowlist command. Usage:
> Key Tab A M WindowList CurrentAtEnd
> As the name suggests, this moves the currently focused window to the end
> of the windowlist.

Ok, I will apply your patch to both branches.
But next time please patch the man page too.

> When you now hit alt-tab once, the last focused window is selected, when
> you hit it twice the second last focused one, and so on. In conjunction
> with SelectOnRelease it works just like "that other GUI". The current
> window at the end of the list might look a bit funny, but, hey, when you
> bring up the windowlist, the current window is probably the least
> interesting one at the moment.

I don't know... For me the current window is the most interesting one. :)
I don't want to be switched to another window just because I want to
see a list of all windows. :)

I am not against to make CurrentAtEnd the default for Alt-Tab, but I will
not do this myself. Because I think the current way with a correct order
is better than with CurrentAtEnd.

> Frankly, I do not understand the stuff about the timeout. It doesn't seem
> to work according to the description you gave, at least in this snapshot.

This timeout feature works like this. The sample from the man page:

  AddToFunc SwitchToWindow I WindowListFunc $w
  Key Tab A M WindowList "Prev SwitchToWindow"

When you press Alt-Tab and quickly press Tab again or when you quickly
release both keys, the "Prev SwitchToWindow" is executed.
> Anyway, with my patch applied, there aren't any timeouts in the
> windowlist, it simply works like you requested it.
> I hope, this is helpful for you.

Yes, I think it will help people that want one-press-to-another-window
behaviour, thanks.

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