Re: FVWM: Alt-tab

From: Jochen Klenner <>
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2002 00:48:15 +0200 (MEST)

On Sat, 20 Apr 2002, Stian Sletner wrote:

> Ah yes, the infamous alt-tab. I for one cannot live without it working
> correctly, and I was very happy to see that FVWM had made an attempt at
> implementing it. However, I'm not satisfied, as they seem to have
> complicated it unecessarily. :) What I expect from alt-tab is to get a
> window list on my screen (this works), which is sorted in
> last-active-order (I think this works, too), wherein the second window
> is selected (this does not work, the first window (the one I'm already
> in) is selected, and instead there's a timeout for quick switches). So
> for quick alt-tabbing between two windows, FVWM's implementation works,
> but for getting to a third window in the list (alt-tab-tab, release) (or
> any other window), it doesn't work at all like expected, instead it
> brings me to the second window on the second press of tab, unless I wait
> a while, for some reason.
> So I guess my question is, can I make it behave more closely in
> accordance with that other GUI?

Unfortunately you didn't state what version of Fvwm you are using. The
attached patch is against the current snapshot (fvwm-snap-20020422), but
it may also work on other versions -- it's practically the same patch
since version 2.4.6. Just try it.

It adds the new option "currentAtEnd" to the windowlist command. Usage:

Key Tab A M WindowList CurrentAtEnd

As the name suggests, this moves the currently focused window to the end
of the windowlist.
When you now hit alt-tab once, the last focused window is selected, when
you hit it twice the second last focused one, and so on. In conjunction
with SelectOnRelease it works just like "that other GUI". The current
window at the end of the list might look a bit funny, but, hey, when you
bring up the windowlist, the current window is probably the least
interesting one at the moment.

Frankly, I do not understand the stuff about the timeout. It doesn't seem
to work according to the description you gave, at least in this snapshot.
Anyway, with my patch applied, there aren't any timeouts in the
windowlist, it simply works like you requested it.

I hope, this is helpful for you.

Best regards


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