Re: FVWM: Modifier keys for clicking on menus/WindowList.

From: Mikhael Goikhman <>
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 11:51:13 +0000

On 17 Apr 2002 02:54:53 -0700, normalperson wrote:
> First off, I had been using the EVWM <
> > shell replacement in Windows for the past five or so years, and more
> > recently, the better-known Litestep shell.
> During my time with EVWM, I had grown addicted to the mod-click
> functionality in its WindowList. I could Shift + Click, Meta + Click,
> and Meta + Shift + Click functionality for its WindowList to close,
> hide, and kill windows on my desktop without having to waste time
> switching to them.
> A couple months ago, my last months in Windows, I hacked the Popup2
> module in Litestep to do the same things EVWM could do. ( see:
> ). I was about to start adding the
> option for multiple execution options to the run menu as well (e.g. a
> regular click on a menu item could execute an application, shift-click
> could pass different parameters to the execution or run an entirely
> different app, etc.)
> Now I've moved to Linux and I have FVWM running quite well (being a
> full-blown WM and not just an execution/task management shell like its
> Win32 cousins). I'm still sifting through the documentation, but I
> haven't been able to find any way to mod-click on menu items within the
> user-defined menus nor the WindowList. If FVWM truly does not have this
> functionality, I guess someone (me?) could/should implement it.

You may bind only one action to a menu item right now, regardless of
whether it was invoked by a mouse button 1 or 4, or by Enter key, with
Ctrl pressed or not, or by releasing Alt in WindowList.

There is a discussion on the fvwm-workers list about a future of menus.
It is most certainly that it will be possible to bind different actions
in items for different mouse buttons. The full configurable Key/Mouse
functionality in menus is not considered at the moment, but a new syntax
will be extendible enough to allow this in the more far future if needed.

> Also on the subject of the WindowList, is there a way one could
> customize it to show the CurrentDesk/Page items in its root, and then
> items from other Desks/Pages within submenus on the WindowList?

A window may occupy several pages inside a desk, or even be outside of
the pages defined by DeskTopSize, so you may only ask for windows on
particular desks, not pages.

WindowList command does not currently have an option to create submenus.
It is also impossible to include the WindowList menu as a popup submenu.

The best that I may suggest now is this:

  Mouse 2 R A Menu MyWindowListMainMenu

  DestroyMenu MyWindowListMainMenu
  AddToMenu MyWindowListMainMenu
  #+ "Window List For" Title
  + "Current Desk" WindowList CurrentDesk
  + "" Nop
  + "Desk 0" WindowList Desk 0
  + "Desk 1" WindowList Desk 1
  + "Desk 2" WindowList Desk 2
  + "Desk 3" WindowList Desk 3

But if you know to program you may create a simple FVWM module that does
whatever you want that WindowList does not currently do. It is possible
to do this in perl in 2.5.x versions. See some examples at:

Maybe if I have some time, I will add a simple module similar to the
existing module-winlist that uses AddToMenu and does what you describe.

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