Re: FVWM: Using the keyboard instead of the mouse

From: normalperson <>
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 03:16:00 -0700

Anthony Campbell:
> I'm just trying out fvwm after a long time with other window
> managers.
> I'd like to be able to use the keyboard to do many things via the
> keyboard instead of the mouse, but although I know this is possible I
> can't find any information about how to do it.
> Can someone kindly point me to the relevant document?

The man page has some good info, I'll touch on the highlights (of course
I'm a Linux/FVWM newbie, so don't expect me to know too much, yet).
Alt-tab works like in Windows (where I come from)

Add AutomaticHotkeys to your MenuStyle Option to simplify menu
navigation. I also use vi key bindings for menu navigation (j = down, k
= up, h = left, l = right), and window movement sometimes.

Of course the FVWM lets you set up hotkey to execute just about
anything, here's my audio control section for example:

Key z A CS Exec exec xmms-shell -e backward
Key x A CS Exec exec xmms-shell -e play
Key c A CS Exec exec xmms-shell -e pause
Key v A CS Exec exec xmms-shell -e stop
Key b A CS Exec exec xmms-shell -e forward
Key r A CS Exec exec xmms-shell -e repeat
Key KP_Right A C Exec exec xmms-shell -e + 1
Key KP_Page_Down A C Exec exec xmms-shell -e - 1
Key KP_Left A C Exec exec aumix -v + 1
Key KP_End A C Exec exec aumix -v - 1

Another nice tip my roommate showed me was to hit Ctrl-D to quickly log
out, works with xterm and rxvt as well.

Eric Wong | normalpersonATrawkDOTcom
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