Re: FVWM: advanced newbie fvwm2 config questions

From: Marcus Lundblad <>
Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2002 19:35:03 +0100 (CET)

On Thu, 17 Jan 2002, Vaclav Peroutka wrote:

> Hi,
> I use fvwm2 from RH6.2 and met following config problems:
> 1.) when I use my own icons in /usr/local/my_icons - I put this line
> into .fvwm2rc as IconPath. For root, it is OK, but not for normal user.
> It always looks into /usr/share/icons. I don't know what is bad.

Is it the 'system.fvwm2rc' file you have changed? And not the one in
root's home directory. (maybe a stupid question of me...)

> 2.) Apps which have no icon are minimized only to their name. Is it
> possible to assign them some standard icon ?

Yes, you can assign a standard icon with:
Style * some_icon.xpm

this gives apps that don't supply icon the icon some_icon.xpm

> 3.) The icon placement on the workspace is very random without grid, I
> would like to have it on some grid but don't know how. The best way is
> to define places for some apps ( for example nedit will place its icons
> to top left corner, xterm to top right etc). Furthermore icons are
> two-color only...
> Is it possible to do it or not ?

Yes, by using the IconBox style
for example:
Style "*" IconBox $[vp.width]x80+0-0

defines a box at the bottom of the screen 80 pixels high and the screens
width to place icons in. The icons will be placed from left to right,
don't know how to change this. This box is not visible on the screen, it's
only an imaginary box used to place icons. This is probably what you want.


> Thank you in advance
> Vaclav
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