FVWM: advanced newbie fvwm2 config questions

From: Vaclav Peroutka <vaclavp_at_s3group.cz>
Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2002 19:04:12 +0100


I use fvwm2 from RH6.2 and met following config problems:

1.) when I use my own icons in /usr/local/my_icons - I put this line
into .fvwm2rc as IconPath. For root, it is OK, but not for normal user.
It always looks into /usr/share/icons. I don't know what is bad.

2.) Apps which have no icon are minimized only to their name. Is it
possible to assign them some standard icon ?

3.) The icon placement on the workspace is very random without grid, I
would like to have it on some grid but don't know how. The best way is
to define places for some apps ( for example nedit will place its icons
to top left corner, xterm to top right etc). Furthermore icons are
two-color only...

Is it possible to do it or not ?

Thank you in advance


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