Re: FVWM: Maximize

From: Dominik Vogt <>
Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2001 16:31:01 +0100

On Thu, Nov 08, 2001 at 03:50:02PM +0100, KONTRA Gergely wrote:
> Hi!
> I use FvwmTaskBar. I don't set it to AutoHide, because it will not
> function properly, as the man says.
> Sometimes I want to maximize eg. a Netscape. ok, ok, let it be a vim
> instead.
> But the maximize function doesn't know much about the TaskBar, and I
> cannot see the statusbar, while the TaskBar has the AlwaysOn (sorry
> don't remember the correct name) attribute.
> How to modify the maximize function, that it will take the taskbar into
> consideration, when maximizing?

You can use something like

  Maximize 100 99

This tells fvwm to use only 99% of the height of the screen when


Dominik ^_^ ^_^

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