FVWM: Maximize

From: KONTRA Gergely <kgergely_at_mlabdial.hit.bme.hu>
Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2001 15:50:02 +0100 (CET)


I use FvwmTaskBar. I don't set it to AutoHide, because it will not
function properly, as the man says.
Sometimes I want to maximize eg. a Netscape. ok, ok, let it be a vim
But the maximize function doesn't know much about the TaskBar, and I
cannot see the statusbar, while the TaskBar has the AlwaysOn (sorry
don't remember the correct name) attribute.
How to modify the maximize function, that it will take the taskbar into
consideration, when maximizing?

thx in advance

+-[Kontra Gergely _at_ Budapest University of Technology and Economics]-+
| Email: CHANGED! kgergely_at_mcl.hu kgergely_at_turul.eet.bme.hu (old) |
| URL: turul.eet.bme.hu/~kgergely Mobile: (+36 20) 356 9656 |
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