Re: FVWM: alt-tab go byebye

From: Mikhael Goikhman <>
Date: Sat, 12 May 2001 23:03:48 +0000

On 11 May 2001 23:35:35 +1200, Cameron Kerr wrote:
> Eck! I recently upgraded to FVWM2.3.32 (So I could use the scroll mouse
> on FvwmButtons). Unfortunately, I now find that my alt-tab settings no
> longer work. I've removed the default, before fvwm2 reads those configs,
> but to no avail.
> As a configuration, I use
> DestroyFunc "alt-tab"
> AddToFunc "alt-tab" "I" Next ( CurrentDesk CurrentPage ) Focus
> + "I" Current Raise
> DestroyFunc "shift-alt-tab"
> AddToFunc "shift-alt-tab" "I" Prev ( CurrentDesk CurrentPage ) Focus
> + "I" Current Raise
> Key Tab A M -
> Key Tab A MS -
> #Key Tab A MS Prev Focus
> Key Tab A MS Function "shift-alt-tab"
> #Key Tab A M Next Focus
> Key Tab A M Function "alt-tab"

This works for me. Although I myself would rewrite this to be more clean:

  DestroyFunc SelectWindow
  AddToFunc SelectWindow
  + I Focus
  + I Raise
  + I WarpToFocus 50 50 # optional

  Key Tab A M Prev SelectWindow
  Key Tab A MS Next SelectWindow

Do you mean Alt-Tab does nothing for you or does a wrong thing?

> Also, all of the key presses that used to go to the window manager, not
> go to the application, so in vim, if I type Ctrl-<rightarrow>, I end up
> in insert mode. Most annoying.

This should not be this way. Correctly defined Key bindings should work.

> Also, I can no longer click inside a window (xterm) to select it, as I
> could before. I am using
> Style "*" ClickToFocus
> Style "*" ClickToFocusPassesClick, ClickToFocusRaises

Unless you use other style lines later that match your xterm, it should
work as you expect, and it indeed works for me as expected.

All these problems may indicate that something went wrong, like:

  * you run an incorrect fvwm2 executable
  * your .fvwm2rc file is not read for some reason

If you think that these don't happen, please post here your full .fvwm2rc
file (you may skip menus or other private information if needed).

> I realise that this may be a much much. Is there a simple migration
> guide for uses of 2.2.x to 2.3.x? Or would it be easiest to start from
> scratch? In which case, which commands should I enter in order to blow
> away any default dehaviour?

2.3.x is mostly 2.2.x compatible. You may run fvwm24_convert, it does some
job to make your fvwm2rc file up to date.

But usually you only need (optionally) to move ~/.fvwm2rc to ~/.fvwm/
directory, run a correct fvwm2 and see which warning you get on the
standard error. Then use the man page to fix these warnings one by one.

We here will help you to get a working setup, ask if there are any
migration problems.

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Received on Sat May 12 2001 - 18:05:02 BST

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