FVWM: alt-tab go byebye

From: Cameron Kerr <cameron.kerr_at_paradise.net.nz>
Date: Fri, 11 May 2001 23:35:35 +1200

Eck! I recently upgraded to FVWM2.3.32 (So I could use the scroll mouse
on FvwmButtons). Unfortunately, I now find that my alt-tab settings no
work. I've removed the default, before fvwm2 reads those configs, but to
no avail.

As a configuration, I use

DestroyFunc "alt-tab"
AddToFunc "alt-tab" "I" Next ( CurrentDesk CurrentPage ) Focus
+ "I" Current Raise
DestroyFunc "shift-alt-tab"
AddToFunc "shift-alt-tab" "I" Prev ( CurrentDesk CurrentPage ) Focus
+ "I" Current Raise

Key Tab A M -
Key Tab A MS -
#Key Tab A MS Prev Focus
Key Tab A MS Function "shift-alt-tab"
#Key Tab A M Next Focus
Key Tab A M Function "alt-tab"

Also, all of the key presses that used to go to the window manager, not
to the application, so in vim, if I type Ctrl-<rightarrow>, I end up in
mode. Most annoying.

Also, I can no longer click inside a window (xterm) to select it, as I
before. I am using

Style "*" ClickToFocus
Style "*" ClickToFocusPassesClick, ClickToFocusRaises

I realise that this may be a much much. Is there a simple migration
guide for
uses of 2.2.x to 2.3.x? Or would it be easiest to start from scratch? In
case, which commands should I enter in order to blow away any default

Thanks for your time and patience. (Looking forward to trying out
later ;) Would be fun on a laptop... if only I didn;t sell mine...

Cameron Kerr -- cameron.kerr _at_ paradise.net.nz
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