Re: FVWM: making a window unmovable

From: Michael Tiefenback <>
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 1999 14:13:21 -0400 (EDT)

I don't see why the Style selection

Style "Netscape:*"

wouldn't do what is being discusssed. I examined the Netscape subwindows
on my Linux setup and the browser windows have titles like
"Netscape:<stuff>", while the others have different titles,
Class "Netscape", and Resource values like "AddressBook" and "MailThread".
I have never tried to navigate this terrain before, but setting a Style
matching the Resource value "Netscape" and following it with another Style
callout matching "Netscape:*" should result in the browser windows having
the first configuration and the other popups having the second. Or maybe
I am wrong again?

Michael Tiefenback

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Received on Tue Apr 06 1999 - 13:14:33 BST

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