Re: FVWM: making a window unmovable

From: Paul D. Smith <>
Date: 06 Apr 1999 13:57:29 -0400

%% Kai.Grossjohann_at_CS.Uni-Dortmund.DE writes:

  kg> (Paul D. Smith) writes:
>> I just tried with my copy of standalone Navigator, comparing the root
>> window to the "Find" dialogue. The class of both is "Netscape", but the
>> resource of the root is "Navigator" while the resource of the dialogue
>> is "findDialog_popup". So, you should be able to use these differences
>> to set the style for the root differently than the others.

  kg> He is talking about the windows you get with Alt-N or with the `New
  kg> Navigator Window' entry in the File menu.

Oh. Ouch.

Well, I guess the only possible answer is using window titles.
Actually, (I've never used this feature) I assume fvwm2 must match on
the title of the window when it's created for the Style, right? (Unless
a restart is done of course).

If so, if you can get your netscape to start with some initial page with
a really odd <TITLE></TITLE>, you can match on that and as long as the
default page is different for new windows they should appear with
different styles.


 Paul D. Smith <>         Network Management Development
 "Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional." --Mad Scientist
   These are my opinions---Nortel Networks takes no responsibility for them.
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