Re: FVWM: Page-placement of windows?

From: Philippe BOURDEU d'AGUERRE <>
Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 14:34:20 +0100

Brad Giaccio wrote:
> In versions 2.1.x you can use StartsOnPage d x y,
> d is the desk
> x is page across
> y is page down
> the d or the x y is optional
> with no d current desk is used
> with no x y works like StartsOnDesk
I was very happy to find this feature which was high in my wish list,
but I am a bit disappointed because it doesn't work very well.

I try to use:

Style "Netscape*" SkipMapping, StartsOnPage 0 1 0

with an InitFunction which starts Netscape with option -iconic.

It fails, Netscape always starts on Page 0 0 0 :=(
But it works without -iconic option.

I think also that both options StartsOnPage and StartsOnDesk could be
grouped together in a single option.
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