Re: FVWM: Page-placement of windows?

From: Brad Giaccio <>
Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 07:22:07 -0500 (EST)

On Thu, 17 Dec 1998, Neil Bird wrote:

> There's an old article (Jan '97) in the mailing-list archive about
> specifying a *Page* for a window (a la 'StartsOnDesk', but
> 'StartsOnPage'). There didn't seem to be any response - does anyone know
> how to achieve this?
> I set my NetScape window to come up in page (1,0) by adding the
> screen-width to its default geom., which worked (when spawning a browser
> window from (0,0) ... but if I spawn one /from/ (1,0), it comes up in
> (2,0) - D'Oh!

In versions 2.1.x you can use StartsOnPage d x y,
d is the desk
x is page across
y is page down
the d or the x y is optional
with no d current desk is used
with no x y works like StartsOnDesk


--- There are two kinds of knowledge, you either know the answer or
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Received on Thu Dec 17 1998 - 06:22:28 GMT

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