Re: FVWM: fvwm question

From: Patrick K. <>
Date: Sun, 25 Jan 1998 22:38:28 -0800 (PST)

Hi there Chuck,

Sometime in the late 1900s it was said:

> My name is Chuck. I was using fvwm95 on my pc. I got it with Linux 2.0
> (SLAKWARE) and XFree86. I installed a new video card (Millenium II) to
> support a large screen monitor I got. I purchased AcceleratedX from
> Xigraphics to get support for my video card.

   This is not related but I thought XFree86 3.3.1 had support for
   the Maxtor Millennium II graphics card. Am I wrong?

> I now realize I don't understand fvwm. Does fvwm run on top of an Xserver
> like AcceleratedX or in place of it? If it runs on top what would I have to
> do to make it run (when i type in fvwm95-2 at the command line I get a can't
> find screen message)?

   I am not familiar with AcceleratedX .. but yes fvwm or any other
   window manager (wm) needs to run on top of a Xserver. So the
   process is to start up your X server and then start your favorate

   This can be done in a few different ways. The way I am doing this
   is I start my X server using the 'startx' script. I also have a
   '.xinitrc' file in my home directory which at the very last line
   has the command to startup my wm (fvwm2 for the time being). The
   '.xinitrc' script is executed as the server is brought up and as
   a result of the last line the wm (fvwm2) is started.

   btw ... fvwm95-2 is not the same as fvwm2. It is a derivitive of
   fvwm2 as far as I know.

> If you coulld help me understand this I would appreciate it. The web sites
> I've been to haven't helped me figure out how fvwm fits into the overall
> system picture.

   Hope this helps .. I am sure there will be others from this list
   that will be able to help answer your questions to more detail.

Patrick ...

P.S. I just have to ask ... AOL.COM? :^>
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