Re: FVWM: fvwm question

From: Kai Grossjohann <>
Date: 26 Jan 1998 11:28:19 +0100

>>>>> On Mon, 26 Jan 1998, Cebouk said:

  Cebouk> I now realize I don't understand fvwm. Does fvwm run on top
  Cebouk> of an Xserver like AcceleratedX or in place of it? If it
  Cebouk> runs on top what would I have to do to make it run (when i
  Cebouk> type in fvwm95-2 at the command line I get a can't find
  Cebouk> screen message)?

Yes, fvwm (like any other window manager) runs on top of the so-called
X server. There is a clear division of labor: the X server can
display stuff on screen, and the window manager tells the X server
what to display (in addition to the application windows already on
screen), such as borders, title bars, mouse cursors. When you hit a
mouse button to move a window, the window manager intercepts it and
tells the X server where to move the window.

Whether or not fvwm works should not depend on your X server.

The same old startup code that worked for the old video card should
work for the new one, except of course that you have to run a
different X server. I think there is a file in /etc/X11 that tells
the system what binary to use as X server, just enter Xaccel there.

Kai Grossjohann, Informatik VI
Uni Dortmund, D-44221 Dortmund
                                      Vox +49 231 755 5670, Fax -2405
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Received on Mon Jan 26 1998 - 04:29:01 GMT

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