Re: FVWM: window flags bitfield

From: Dan Espen <>
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 08:57:38 -0500 (Paul D. Smith) writes:
> %% Bob Mende Pie <> writes:
> bmp> I just spent 15 minutes adding the ability determine if a window
> bmp> is "WindowShaded" so I can do complex operations on it. I see
> bmp> that this was never added since ALL of the 32 bits of the window
> bmp> flags field are allocated. (Note, I stole bit 31, from the motif
> bmp> hacks which I dont use). What do people think about bumping this
> bmp> to 64 bits?
> This is known as the GSFR (Great Style Flag Rewrite) and is the very
> first and most important thing that is planned for the post-2.1 FVWM
> version. People have so many uses for this by now that 64 bits is
> likely not enough; it'll have to be expandable (would anyway,
> obviously).
> Of course, the GSFR is really a legend and will never happen, because
> FVWM 2.1 is a legend and will never happen (no offense to anyone in
> particular, but it's been 2 years or more since I saw the first message
> saying there was going to be one more "clean up" version, then 2.1; many
> months, releases, and identical announcements later there seems to be
> lots of enhancements but exactly 0 progress towards that goal. Just my
> perspective :).

Maybe I'm confused. There are flags in the WindowList structure, and
flags in the name_list (Style flags) structure. The bits serve
different purposes in each. In both cases, it looks like all the bits
are used up. I thought the term GSFR applied to the Style Flags.

In the case of the WindowList, I don't see any obstacle to adding
another unsigned long (flags2?) to hold additional bits.

On the separate subject of the style flags, after the iconboxes patch,
I don't see any obstacle to doing the same thing for new style

Please correct me if I'm missing something.

> --
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> Paul D. Smith <> Network Management Developmen
> t
> "Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional." --Mad Scientis
> t
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> These are my opinions--Bay Networks takes no responsibility for them.
> --

Dan Espen                                Phone: (732) 699-5570
444 Hoes Lane  Room RRC 1C-214           E-mail:
Piscataway, NJ 08854
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