RE: FVWM: Starting an app when needed

From: Martin Bialasinski <>
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 12:42:32 +0100 (CET)

On Tue, 9 Dec 1997, Bob Woodside wrote:

> Ok, I'm a little dense. Now I see what the problem is - I thought
> it was just the timing between starting X-IXP and trying to send it a signal.
> Handling the case where X-IXP is already active is a job for a shell script,

Well, fvwm2 can handle this really good. No problems so far :-)

+ "connect" connect-xisp
+ "disconnect" exec kill -SIGUSR2 `/sbin/pidof xisp`

DestroyFunc start-and-wait
AddToFunc start-and-wait
+ "I" Exec $0
+ "I" Wait $1

DestroyFunc connect-xisp
AddToFunc connect-xisp
+ "I" None [X-ISP] start-and-wait "xisp -bgcol '#0000b0'" "X-ISP"
+ "I" Exec kill -SIGUSR1 `/sbin/pidof xisp`

> Alternatively, two menu items and functions could be used - one for
> when X-ISP is active, one for when it's not.
Sure, but this isn't that neat :-)
> It's part of the sysvinit package for Linux systems. (pidof is
> actually a symlink to killall5, in the /sbin directory.) If you're using
> Debian Linux, I would think it would be installed as part of the base system.

Yes, it is. I tried a "which pidof" as joe user, so I didn't find it in
/sbin/ . I think I better use "locate whatever|grep bin/" next time.


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Received on Wed Dec 10 1997 - 05:56:40 GMT

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