Re: FVWM: hot corners

From: Charles Brian Hill <>
Date: Thu, 6 Mar 1997 18:31:42 -0500 (EST)

On Thu, 6 Mar 1997, Mark Krischer wrote:

> does anyone know of a program or maybe this could be made part of fvwm,
> that would recognize hot spots on the screen? basically, i'd like to be
> able to simply move the pointer to, say, the upper right hand corner of
> the screen and have my screensaver startup. basically, link a hotspot
> with a user specified app, so i could make one corner "xlock -nolock"
> and another simply "xlock".
> anyway, just wondering if anyone's thought of this or has it or is
> working on it....

There's a program called xautolock that starts any program after a given
amount of idle time, or when the mouse is moved over a certain corner of
the screen. It is available at or any of its

Also, there is another one out there called xlockmore, but I don't have
any experience with that one.

-Brian Hill

Charles Brian Hill                                Florida State University
Work:   904.644.7710				            College of Law
E-mail:                         World Wide Web Developer
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Received on Thu Mar 06 1997 - 17:32:37 GMT

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