FVWM: hot corners

From: Mark Krischer <mkrisch_at_bbn.com>
Date: Thu, 06 Mar 1997 17:24:38 -0500

a quick question about something i was just thinking of....

does anyone know of a program or maybe this could be made part of fvwm,
that would recognize hot spots on the screen? basically, i'd like to be
able to simply move the pointer to, say, the upper right hand corner of
the screen and have my screensaver startup. basically, link a hotspot
with a user specified app, so i could make one corner "xlock -nolock"
and another simply "xlock".

anyway, just wondering if anyone's thought of this or has it or is
working on it....
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Received on Thu Mar 06 1997 - 16:24:56 GMT

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