FVWM: Warp or Run Function

From: Christopher M Wolf <cwolf_at_micro.ti.com>
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 1996 18:05:25 -0600 (CST)

I'm trying to use the warp-or-run function that someone posted here,
and am looking for a warp-to-or-run function.

The function I have is:

AddToFunc warp-or-run-prog
+ "I" Next [$0 CirculateHit] Iconify -1
+ "I" Next [$0 CirculateHit] Focus
+ "I" None [$0] Exec $1 &

which I initiate like:

warp-or-run-prog emacs:* /home/bin/Start_XEmacs
warp-or-run-prog Xims* Xims

but when I try:

warp-or-run-prog Netscape:* netscape

it always finds and pops open the window, but it also always starts
a new netscape browser along with it. Any suggestions?



Has anyone a function that will not only pop open a current instance of
a program, but will pull it from another desk to the current one if
it has to?


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Received on Sat Mar 16 1996 - 18:45:08 GMT

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