FVWM: XEmacs/HP-UX, ssh (+ FvwmPager/Buttons)

From: Pekka Marjola <marjola_at_bilbo.ntc.nokia.com>
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 1996 16:27:54 +0200

I have encountered varying annoyances with fvwm-2.0.41, XEmacs-19.13
and ssh-1.2.13.

If I restart fvwm (2.0.41) in HP-UX (9.05), FvwmPager loses all XEmacs
frames. If frame (= window) was iconified, it just disappers from the
Pager and only reappears if I resize or move the frame (it does not
reapper into FvwmPager just by deiconifing). If a frame was not
iconified, it does not show any output anymore, though it accepts
commands. (I can C-x 5 2 a new frame and delete the old frame). No
such behaviour in my Linux machine...

I have another problem with XEmacs, this time run over ssh. Every time
XEmacs shows new output, the pointer warps to the root window position
that XEmacs frame occupies. Desktop does not change, but the pointer
warps in the desktop I'm currently working.

I have no (X)Emacs specific style statements, except for icons.

Oops, I almost forgot: Sometimes FvwmButtons (vanilla, haven't tested
Jarl's) does not swallow Pager coorectly, but leaves a few pixels
empty space below and right of Pager. When I resize FvwmButtons, the
Pager resizes itself correctly.

*FvwmButtonsGeometry 270x108+0+0 # no icons, so I need the size
*FvwmButtonsColumns 6
*FvwmButtons(3x6) - foo SwallowModule "FvwmPager" FvwmPager 0 8
*FvwmButtons Refresh no_pic Refresh
*FvwmButtons(2x3) - foo Swallow "DClock" Exec dclock -geometry -1500-1500 &
*FvwmButtons Restart no_pic Restart fvwm
*Fvwmbuttons Lock no_pic Exec "" xlock &
*FvwmButtons Identify no_pic Module FvwmIdent
*FvwmButtons(2x3) - foo Swallow "XLoad" Exec xload -geometry -1500-1500 &
*FvwmButtons Stick no_pic Stick
*FvwmButtons Quit no_pic Quit

Solving these problems would make fvwm even better window manager (for
me, at least :)

# pema
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Received on Fri Mar 15 1996 - 14:08:12 GMT

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