Re: FVWM: tabbing in fvwm?

From: Jeff S. Elam <>
Date: Tue, 06 Feb 1996 13:38:06 -0800

David Mosberger-Tang wrote:
> >>>>> On Tue, 6 Feb 1996 14:35:29 -0500, <chuck_hines_at_VNET.IBM.COM> (Charles Hines) said:
> >>>>> "David" == David Mosberger-Tang <> writes:
> David> Does fvwm v2.x support tabbing a la twm? To make sure we're
> David> talking about the same thing: what I'm looking for is the
> David> ability to make the title bar just wide enough to hold the
> David> window title (and whatever buttons end up in the title bar).
> David> In twmrc, this is called option "SqueezeTitle". I find this
> David> feature invaluable in giving fast and convenient access to
> David> multiple stacked windows.
> >>>>> "Jeff" == Jeff S Elam <> writes:
> Jeff> That sounds like a GREAT feature. I second the request!
> Chuck> I think it sounds interesting, but never having used it I'm
> Chuck> having a hard time seeing how it would be more useful than
> Chuck> having the full sized titles, which really don't take up that
> Chuck> much more room.
> Chuck> Perhaps my typical window layouts make a difference here,
> Chuck> since I can see that they probably wouldn't benefit at all
> Chuck> from this feature.
> Chuck> I can see a potential benefit if you like to lay out your
> Chuck> windows overlapping horizontally. Do you do this? Do a lot
> Chuck> of people out there do this?
> Yes, that's exactly what I'm using it for. My typical layout consists
> of about half a dozens xterms and one emacs window spread along the
> screen bottom. Graphically, it looks something like this (assuming
> xterm1 is on top of the other xterms and emacs is on top of xterm4):
> +--------+ +--------+ +--------+ +--------+ +--------+
> | xterm1 | | xterm2 | | xterm3 | | xterm4 | | emacs |
> +--------+-----------------------------+--+-+--------+-------//
> | | |
> | | |
> | | |
> | | |
> | | |
> | | |
> +--------------------------------------+----+---------------//
> Thus, the tabs give direct access to any window. With full title
> bars, the above configuration would imply that xterm2 and xterm3 would
> be hidden behind xterm1.
> Chuck> I'll have to think about this feature... I'll add it to the
> Chuck> TO-DO list with a question mark to remind me to investiage it
> Chuck> when I get a chance, but I can't make any guarantees.
> I *do* appreciate your efforts to avoid bloating fvwm. However, I
> also believe that tabbing is not just another "feature"---it really
> can improve efficiency in interacting with a windowing system.
> --david

I agree with David. Although I try not to let my desktops get
cluttered, I invariably have at least 6 xterms open on the same desktop by
the end of the day. I know lots of people who like using those little 80x24
xterms, but personally I like to see as much of a file as I can, so I use lots
of nice, tall xterms that end up covering each other up. I often find myself
"Lower"ing windows over and over again in search of a particular one.

I would LOVE to have a "tab" feature like this one to help me quickly pull
up the xterm I'm looking for.

However, I also agree that fvwm should be kept nice and small, so if this
feature impacts the size or speed of fvwm significantly and it can't be done
in a module, than punt it.

-Jeff E.
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Received on Tue Feb 06 1996 - 15:38:50 GMT

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