(no subject)

From: John Henders <jhenders_at_bogon.com>
Date: Tue, 6 Feb 1996 13:34:20 -0800 (PST)

Charles Hines writes:
> I think it sounds interesting, but never having used it I'm having a
> hard time seeing how it would be more useful than having the full
> sized titles, which really don't take up that much more room.

I could see it being useful as I tend to use large fonts and large
windows, so they overlap a lot. That's why I requested the smarter
drawing routines to tile the windows from a defined corner gravity.

As to implementation on fvwm, I can't see it making sense unless you use
the tab to substitute for all the features in the current title bar.
Also it would seem to me code would also be needed to make the tabs
smart, so they could reshuffle themselves around when new windows were
overlapped on old ones to make the tabs all visible.

> If people can provide examples to sway me one way or the other, that'd
> be helpful.

      Artificial Intelligence stands no chance against Natural Stupidity.
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Received on Tue Feb 06 1996 - 15:38:45 GMT

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