FVWM: Re: Bugs, problems, wishes and praises

From: <spiegl_at_appl-math.tu-muenchen.de>
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 1995 15:44:11 +0100 (MET)

Hi Chuck,

> I beg your forgiveness, as I have been terribly busy lately.
Granted. :-)
No, seriously, I fully understand that you are busy. I just somehow
wanted to see that my message got there.

> I came back from lunch early, so I'll respond right now:

> Andy> 2.) FvwmWinList:
> Andy> *truncateleft doesn't work. It still truncates right.
> I recall the author of FvwmWinList responding to this himself. I
> believe his response was that it should be *FvwmWinListTruncateLeft,
> and that it worked for him locally.
Correct. Unfortunately it doesn't work for me.
But I guess, there are more serious things to be concerned about.

> Andy> 6.) Another question, but more tricky I am afraid:
> Andy> How can I specify that an iconified FvwmPager always opens up
> Andy> at -1+1 ? In order to simulate the old builtin pager, I got this:
> Use the Style command to give it it's own IconBox to place it there,
> would be the easiest way.
That's a good idea. I tried it right away, but so far haven't found
the right coordinates for the iconbox, so that it really shows up where
I want it to be. Very tricky.

> Andy> 8.) Still playing around with fvwm 2.0.38 I found that the behavior
> Andy> of complex functions is a little different than what I was used
> Andy> to from fvwm 1.24r. I have the following function defined:
> Andy> AddToFunc WindowOps-or-Kill "M" Menu Window-Ops2 Nop
> Andy> + "C" Menu Window-Ops2 Nop
> Andy> + "D" Delete
> Andy> + "D" Close
> Andy> + "D" Destroy
> Andy> What I thought this would do when I double click is this:
> Andy> 1.) try to Delete the window
> Andy> 2.) if 1.) failed try to Close the window
> Andy> 3.) if 2.) failed also, Destroy the window.
> Andy> But what happens is that the window always gets destroyed.
> Andy> Is this a bug or a feature? If it's a feature would it be
> Andy> possible to make this behavior optional?
> I'll have to look into this a little further. It sounds like a
> reasonable request, but I don't know how easy it'll be.

The way I understand it, it should be very easy, since fvwm1 did do this
already. On the other hand there may be many internal changes that I am
not aware of that make it impossible to port the v1 code to fvwm2.
Is that the case?

> Andy> 9.) There is a DestroyMenu for re-defining Menus and Functions, which
> Andy> is a very nice feature. Now I was wondering whether something
> Andy> similar can be done with module options? Something like
> Andy> DestroyModule, to get back to the default behavior of the module?
> Andy> (I am not talking about KillModule)
> This might be possible. I'll add it to the TO-DO list.

> Andy> Finally I have to mention (as always):
> Andy> --> FVWM is a *fabulous* vwm! <--
> I'm glad you still like it, even with all the above items. :)
FVWM is the only window manager that really deserves being used.

Thanks for your time,
  Andy Spiegl, Institute for Applied Mathematics
  University of Technology, Muenchen, Germany
  E-Mail: Spiegl_at_Appl-Math.TU-Muenchen.de

Above all else - sky.

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Received on Wed Dec 20 1995 - 08:47:40 GMT

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