Re: FVWM: v1 behavior vs v2

From: Charles Hines <>
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 1995 09:37:29 -0500

>>>>> "Jim" == James LewisMoss <> writes:

Jim> In v1 of fvwm when I had a window that was only obscuring the
Jim> title bar of another window, and I moved the mouse into the
Jim> second window (which only had the title bar obscured) it wouldn't
Jim> raise the title bar. Now in v2 it does. I guess change to
Jim> module interface.

That wouldn't be from a change in the module interface, but in the
Raise code in fvwm to operate correctly.

Jim> Is there any way to get the old behavior back?
Jim> (other than changing source :)


Jim> Or was this an inadvertent (sp??) 'feature'? :)

I believe that it was inadvertent. If a window gets raised, all of
it's decorations should be raised as well.

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Received on Wed Dec 20 1995 - 08:37:42 GMT

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