Re: FVWM: Re: [PATCH] Icon alignment for fvwm-2.0.39

From: Dick Streefland <>
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 1995 11:57:52 +0100

On Tue, 19 Dec 1995, Nan Zou wrote:

| I disagree, having an icon grid makes much sense inside the icon box
| since you want a rigid arrangement of icons inside the box. But outside
| of the icon box I want to place the icons wherever I choose. One thing
| I hate about some UIs is that they snap the icon to some pre-defined
| grid instead of where you originally place it, this goes against the
| Unix/X philosophy of flexibility and user-control.

Well, this seems to be a matter of taste. I really don't want to
start another flame war, but when I specify an alignment for my icon
box at the left side of the screen, and I move some icons to the right
side of the screen, I also want them to be aligned. When you ask me,
not being able to specify an alignment outside an icon box goes
against the Unix/X philosophy of flexibility and user-control :-).

Perhaps we could come up with a really flexible solution that supports
both preferences. For example, you could treat an IconGrid differently
when it is specified together with an IconBox in the same Style

   Style "*" IconBox 0 0 800 100, IconGrid 70 92 10 6
   Style "*" IconBox 0 0 800 100
   Style "*" IconGrid 70 92 10 6

In AddToList(), you can detect that IconBox and IconGrid are used in
the same Style definition and set a flag in the name_list_struct in
this case. However, the difference might be a little to subtle to
document, and we are better off with an additional keyword to set a

Dick Streefland              ////         Tasking Software BV            (@ @)             The Netherlands
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Received on Wed Dec 20 1995 - 05:13:14 GMT

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