FVWM: Compiling FVWM2 on (Free/Net)BSD

From: David Murphy CA1 <c1dmurph_at_CompApp.DCU.IE>
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 1995 09:58:13 +0000 (GMT)

Has anyone successfully built Fvwm 2.0.39 on NetBSD? Or FreeBSD?
The problem I'm having arises during compilation of the Fvwm core. The
individual .c files compile ok, but when at the linking stage ld complains
about an 'undefined symbol being referenced from text segment'.

I apologise for not having the exact error message, but I do know I've had
the same problem on both FreeBSD 2.1 and NetBSD 1.1

Can anyone shed some light on the problem?
Dave Murphy <c1dmurph_at_compapp.dcu.ie>

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Received on Wed Dec 20 1995 - 03:54:54 GMT

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