Re: FVWM: restarting modules

From: Robert Nation 885-9815 <>
Date: Fri, 8 Dec 95 09:05:23 EST

>ps> Actually, no file is involved at all. It might be better to say
>ps> "During initialization, FvwmButtons asks fvwm for a configuration.
>ps> Fvwm responds with the contents of the configuration file that was
>ps> read by fvwm when fvwm was started."

>If this is so, this behaviour must have been changed anywhere between version
>1.24r to 2.0.x, where the 'GoodStuff'-Module (ancestor of FvwmButtons)
>accesses the .fvwmrc file directly, so that a shutdown and restart
>of 'GoodStuff' allone will reflect new button definitions in .fvwmrc.
>I don't have 2.0.x yet, so it would be kind, if someone could verify
>Petes observations.

This is all correct, in fvwm-1.xx GoodStuff got the name of a file to read
from fvwm, and then read it. In fvwm-2.xx FvwmButtons (and other modules)
ask fvwm for the configuration to use. This is because the new configuration
stuff allows you to:
1. Have multiple config files
2. Have configuration entered from the keyboard via FvwmTalk

Unfortunately, you can't enter module configuration from the keyboard
(I actually am not sure why this is the case.)

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