Re: FVWM: restarting modules

From: Peter Funk <>
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 1995 08:12:44 +0100 (MEZ)

[...Killing and restarting modules only after .fvwmrc changes...]
ps> ...which I call from a menu. The intention was to be able to play
ps> with config lines for a module and restart just the module, instead of
ps> restarting Fvwm.
ps> It doesn't work. Even though the above function kills off the current
ps> FvwmButtons process and replaces it with a new one, the new one uses
ps> the old process's configuration. Restarting fvwm itself *does* make
ps> the new configuration lines "take".
ps> The FvwmButtons man page says
ps> "During initialization, FvwmButtons will search for a
ps> configuration file.... The configuration file will be the one
ps> which fvwm used during its initialization."
ps> Actually, no file is involved at all. It might be better to say
ps> "During initialization, FvwmButtons asks fvwm for a configuration.
ps> Fvwm responds with the contents of the configuration file that was
ps> read by fvwm when fvwm was started."

If this is so, this behaviour must have been changed anywhere between version
1.24r to 2.0.x, where the 'GoodStuff'-Module (ancestor of FvwmButtons)
accesses the .fvwmrc file directly, so that a shutdown and restart
of 'GoodStuff' allone will reflect new button definitions in .fvwmrc.

I don't have 2.0.x yet, so it would be kind, if someone could verify
Petes observations.

Regards, Peter
Peter Funk, Oldenburger Str.86, D-27777 Ganderkesee, Germany
office: +49 421 2041925 (ArtCom GmbH, Grazer Str.8, D-28359 Bremen)
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