Re: FVWM: Re: blanking screen for a long time

From: Charles Hines <>
Date: Thu, 9 Nov 1995 13:18:05 -0500

>>>>> "Dave" == Dave Nelson <> writes:

>>>>>>> "Lars" == Lars Wirzenius <Lars.Wirzenius_at_cs.Helsinki.FI> writes:
Lars> How about instead of completely blacking out the screen, fvwm
Lars> puts up a small info window:
>> How do you all like the ctwm way of doing this? It uses a graphic.

Dave> I hate it. I don't like fvwm's current black screen either.
Dave> I really wish there was a way to turn that off.

Well, you might get your wish for the next patchlevel...

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Received on Thu Nov 09 1995 - 12:18:19 GMT

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