Re: FVWM: twm style & more info

From: Mikhael Goikhman <>
Date: Tue, 8 Aug 2000 11:27:44 +0300

On 07 Aug 2000 21:36:03 -0500, Bill Richter wrote:
> Hi, here's a feature of twm that I really liked. In my .twmrc I have
> WindowRing {"emacs" "xdvi" "Ediff" "ghostview"}
> "L5" = : all : f.warpring "next"
> Then I can hit L5 and it toggles between my Emacs & Xdvi windows. Is
> there an fwm analogue of this?

Here is an equivalent if I understand twm correctly.

Style "*" CirculateSkip
Style "emacs" CirculateHit
Style "xdvi" CirculateHit
Style "Ediff" CirculateHit
Style ghostview CirculateHit
Key L5 A A Next (!Iconified CurrentDesk) SwitchToWindow

AddToFunc SwitchToWindow
+ I Focus
+ I Raise
+ I WarpToWindow 50 10p

There are other solutions not using CirculateSkip/CirculateHit. With some
function programming you can make several window-rings. You can also use
WindowListSkip/WindowListHit style options and WindowList (for example
bound to Alt-Tab) to show only certain applications.

> Also, where can I get more fvwm info? All I have is the FAQ, which is
> helpful, but doesn't tell me how anything works.

Try 'man fvwm2'. This is your main reference, there are also man pages for
all modules, like FvwmPager, FvwmButtons.

> I'm using the Another Level interface, so I have these canned files
> .fvwm2rc.decors .fvwm2rc.defines, .fvwm2rc.defstyles, .fvwm2rc.init
> which are pretty good, but I can't read them, to some extent I can
> modify them.

These are most probably m4 files, i.e. they are first preprocessed using
FvwmM4 to get the real fvwm configuration. See 'info m4' for m4 syntax.
It is possible to create ~/.fvwm2rc without any preprocessing.

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