FVWM: twm style & more info

From: Bill Richter <richter_at_math.nwu.edu>
Date: Mon, 7 Aug 2000 21:36:03 -0500

Hi, here's a feature of twm that I really liked. In my .twmrc I have

WindowRing {"emacs" "xdvi" "Ediff" "ghostview"}
"L5" = : all : f.warpring "next"

Then I can hit L5 and it toggles between my Emacs & Xdvi windows. Is
there an fwm analogue of this?

Also, where can I get more fvwm info? All I have is the FAQ, which is
helpful, but doesn't tell me how anything works.

I'm using the Another Level interface, so I have these canned files

.fvwm2rc.decors .fvwm2rc.defines, .fvwm2rc.defstyles, .fvwm2rc.init

which are pretty good, but I can't read them, to some extent I can
modify them.

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