Re: FVWM: toolbar configuration

From: Ukpong Ukpong <>
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2004 04:30:20 +0000 (GMT)

On Mon, 22 Mar 2004, Nuno Alexandre wrote:

Is This not simply the case of using fvwm buttons and swalllowing the
application inside the buttons ie the pager. I know that you can swallow
pager in a button...

> Hi,
> I was thinking about doing a tool-bar, but this is way to difficult, and
> even thought Ive spent some hours on this today and didn't made any
> progress and I'm giving up.
> But before i put a heavy stone on this matter, I would like to ask if
> anyone have done such thing and would be kind to let me have a
> look at the con-fig file.
> I have made a mock up on TheGimp, to what I was trying to achieve.
> a simple toolbar which can have the minimized applications, the pager
> and a clock.
> I have seen that in the fvwm-themes package some themes do this very
> well, for example the RedmondXP but Its very difficult for me to
> make any sense of any of the config files to try to port it on my fvwm
> config.
> I hope anyone can help me.
> Thanks.

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Received on Mon Mar 22 2004 - 22:32:45 GMT

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