FVWM: toolbar configuration

From: Nuno Alexandre <na_at_fluxmod.dk>
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2004 21:07:31 +0100

I was thinking about doing a tool-bar, but this is way to difficult, and
even thought Ive spent some hours on this today and didn't made any
progress and I'm giving up.
But before i put a heavy stone on this matter, I would like to ask if
anyone have done such thing and would be kind to let me have a
look at the con-fig file.
I have made a mock up on TheGimp, to what I was trying to achieve.

a simple toolbar which can have the minimized applications, the pager
and a clock.

I have seen that in the fvwm-themes package some themes do this very
well, for example the RedmondXP but Its very difficult for me to
make any sense of any of the config files to try to port it on my fvwm

I hope anyone can help me.


Best regards - Nuno Alexandre - <na:fluxmod.dk>

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