FVWM: FvwmPager questions

From: Keith David Tyler <romulus_at_ccs.neu.edu>
Date: Thu, 2 Sep 1999 10:26:30 -0400 (EDT)

I've been trying to customize the look and position of the FvwmPager and
have come upon some issues and questions.

I've been trying to find a successful way to remove the section of the
window containing the Desk label. I only have one Desk, so I dont need to
give it a label. *FvwmPagerLabel * "" makes it blank, but the space is
still there at the top.

Other issues i've encountered -- *FvwmPagerIconGeometry is apparently
ignored if you also have Style "FvwmPager" NoIconTitle and
*FvwmPagerStartIconic (true). Any combination of two seems to work as
expected, but all together, the pager is placed at +0+0 (iconified with no
icon title), disregarding the IconGeometry item.

If these all worked, I could get the results I'm looking for - the iconic
state of FvwmPager acts as a one-desk pager, with no desk label. But there
is still an icon title at the bottom.

On the side, I've also noticed that when you set the FvwmPagerGeometry (or
IconGeometry) to just a width OR a height, the result page proportion is
visually correct only for square numbers of screens (1, 4, 9, etc). My
desktop has 3x2 pages, but FvwmPager doesn't size itself to the proportion
(2x1, roughly) that would cause each page to be in the right proportion.

If anyone can give me pointers to solutions, hacks I could make to the
source, etc, I would appreciate it.


Keith D. Tyler romulus_at_ccs.neu.edu
Lynn MA ktyler_at_lynx.neu.edu
http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/romulus romulus_at_hotpop.com
See the Open Directory Project: http://www.dmoz.org romulus_at_dmozed.org
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Received on Thu Sep 02 1999 - 09:27:31 BST

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