FVWM: Re: The future of FVWM (was Re: Starting fvwm2 development)

From: Jason L Tibbitts III <tibbs_at_hpc.uh.edu>
Date: 18 May 1998 15:57:29 -0500

>>>>> "CH" == Charles Hines <chuck_hines_at_VNET.IBM.COM> writes:

CH> As of today I'm giving up being fvwm's maintainer.

Thanks, Chuck. I know everyone appreciates what you've done, and I
personally have enjoyed coordinating things with you. I do hope you'll
stick around and continue to provide guidance.

CH> So, what's next? Well, I'll hand over my current development snapshot
CH> to the next maintainer after that's settled and they can start with
CH> that or just toss it out and start with 2.0.46, whichever works out
CH> better for them. Then we'll see where they drive it...

Just to note, I will continue to supply mailing list, FTP and web service
for as long as it is wanted. I can also provide a CVS tree (with anonymous
access and CVSweb) and anonymous rsync access. I still don't have the time
to coordinate development, though.

 - J<
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Received on Mon May 18 1998 - 15:57:41 BST

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