FVWM: 2.0.41 successfully installed on HP-UX.

From: Roy Dragseth <royd_at_math.uit.no>
Date: Thu, 07 Mar 1996 14:31:14 MET

Hello, fellow fvwm users.

I just wanted to congratulate with the good work done with the
installation procedure in v41, I just upgraded from v35. The only
thing I had to do extra was to run ranlib on libfvwm2.a before beeing
able to link it. This might be due to anomalities in our imake
configuration, I don't know for sure.

One small bug report though:

The *FvwmPagerIconGeometry directive does not work if NoIconTitle is
set for the pager and *FvwmPagerStartIconic is also set. The icon
always come up at +0+0 (Upper left corner), but the pager believes it
has the correct placement and display the icon at this position.

At last one question:

Is it possible to perform actions on window that have
CirculateSkipIcon,CirculateSkip attributes set? Why? I am using
xsession as a login manager and want to have it unmapped most of the
time (Not even an icon). I have a button in the button-bar to pop it
up and down:

*FvwmButtons - x-43x29.xpm Next [xsession] Iconify

But this won't work if the above attributes are set. So, why not just
have them set? Well, when I bought a PC at home I discovered that Meta
Tab circulated between applications in Windows. I thought it was a
nice feature so I put this in .fvwmrc:

Key Tab A 2 Next [CurrentDesk CurrentScreen] Focus
Key Tab A S2 Prev [CurrentDesk CurrentScreen] Focus

and voila. The problem is that fvwm tries to warp to the iconified
xsession window which have no icon and just hits empty space as there
are no icon there making the warping quite annoying as I sometimes
need two extra strokes to switch beetween two windows on
CurrentScreen. If someone have any ideas on this I would be VERY

One last thing, when (if ever) will FvwmButtons be able to swallow an
iconified FvwmPager, or equivalently, when will FvwmPager be able to
just show the current desktop (not iconified)?

This posting became a bit longer than I planned. I am sorry if I
wasted your valuable time (and bandwidth).

Best regards,

Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics.           |\
Univ. of Tromsoe, N-9037 Tromsoe, Norway.      | \
Tlf. +47 77 64 40 00, Fax +47 77 64 47 65.     |  \
Roy Dragseth, Ph. D. st.	      	           \   |
direct call:    +47 77 64 40 31	                    \  |
email:          royd_at_math.uit.no                     \ |
HTTP adress:    http://www.math.uit.no/~royd/         \|
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Received on Thu Mar 07 1996 - 07:32:35 GMT

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