FVWM: FvwmButtons w/o fonts?

From: <jarl_at_cptsu5.univ-mrs.fr>
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 1996 21:57:19 +0100 (MET)

Hello all! I've just been sitting here all evening playing with fvwm, happened
to discover the trick with pixmaps in menus :-) Looks absolutely gorgeous!
I've been drawing colorful colormapfriendly 16x16 icons for 4 hours :-)

However there are a few features I'd like to see in some modules. (Real small
ones, no need to get preachy about the Featherweight Virtual Window Manager)

* Would it be tricky to enhance FvwmButtons to accept the fontname "None" and
then go without fonts? Like the Pager module? Currently I _almost_ get there
by using "-misc-nil-*", gives just a 2 pixel overhead, but it's kinda cheating.
* I can't believe noone has noticed that FvwmButtons is squeezed into a window
that's one pixel too small both ways! I'm using it without any frame, and it's
painfully obvious that the right and bottom edge borders are 1 pixel wide,
while all the other borders are 2 pixels. Is this a bug or a feature?
* While playing around with the configuration, I sometimes want to "split
a button in two", however, after modifying all the other buttons to have
sizes like (1x2), and restarting, all these other buttons have grown by
4 pixels (for the frame), 2 pixels for padding, and 2 times the height of
the font used. Aaaagh. It looks bad. Oh well, just throw in into the "more
control of FvwmButtons geometry. I almost can't stop myself hacking at the
code myself. Just wanted to see if anyone else is doing something. :-)

FvwmIconBox: (Is this obsoleted by FvwmIconMan or what?)
* Same as for FvwmButtons, I'd like to be able to turn off IconTitles by
setting the font to "none".
* Make it possible to set the width of all those bars all over the place.
I'd just like to get them away, set them to 0 or something, and swallow it
all in the Buttons.
* If we want it in the Buttons it should be able to take all sizes, why not
just let it pad off the icon-area inside?
* I notice non-transparent icons get a 3D-frame, but not transparent ones..
Should be possible to this with something akin to ..IconFrame True|False|Guess

Now that's nice, seems I've reached the end of my complaints. Oh yeah, add
the usual Ay's for strict colormap negotiation and an FvwmButtons that doesn't
die with it's children.

Btw, are there any compos for best-looking configuration of fvwm out there :-)
Count me in.


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Received on Tue Feb 13 1996 - 14:56:20 GMT

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